5 Exercises You Can Do While Brushing Your Teeth

Squeeze In a Mini Workout While Cleaning Your Teeth!

You can do a lot in two minutes. It might not seem like it but try to have a little faith. And while our hyper-connected and busy times might make it feel impossible to squeeze in a full workout on a day-to-day basis, you can definitely squeeze one in while you’re brushing your teeth. Don’t worry, we’re not telling you to try do push ups while you take care of your oral health, but you can fit in a few things. Here’s what to try and how to do it.

Body Squats

Works: Quads, core, calves, glutes, hamstrings, and core

How To: Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then lower your body, bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Keep your back straight and your core tight, squeezing your glutes, too. Do as many reps as possible in the two minutes you’re brushing your teeth.

Calf Raises

Works: Calves, quads, glutes, ankles

How To: Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise up onto your toes, keeping your core tight so you don’t wobble to one side, until you’re on your tiptoes, then slowly lower back down. Try to take three slow beats to raise your heels and three to lower them. Do 20 reps.

Reverse Lunge

Works: Quads, core, calves, glutes, hamstrings, and core

How To: Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, using the hand you’re not brushing teeth with to balance on your waist. Take a step backward with your left foot, lowering your hips so that your front leg is parallel to the floor at a 90-degree angle, directly over your ankle. Step back to your starting position and repeat on your right side. Do 5 on each side.

Leg Lifts

Works: Quads

How To: Stand on your right foot, keeping your core engaged and your glutes squeezed tight. Lift right leg up to waist height, keeping your quad engaged, and lower it down slowly to tap the floor, repeating 10 times. Switch sides and repeat with your left leg.

Reverse Leg Lifts

Works: Glutes and hamstrings

How To: Stand on your right foot, keeping your core engaged and your glutes squeezed tight. Lift right leg up behind you as high as possible, keeping your entire leg and core engaged, then lower it down slowly to tap the floor, repeating 10 times. Switch sides and repeat with your left leg.